Midwest Trip – Day 5

P: We woke up again. Really tired. 

T: I pretended I was asleep, and everyone tried to poke me and wake me up. 

T: We had breakfast in the hotel of waffles and bacon.

T: We went to a church that Laura attended while she lived here with Almanzo. [in Spring Valley, MN]

P: There we got to ring a big bell. And there was a pump organ that we could play.

T: We had to pump with our feet to keep it moving.  

T: We learned about why fires were not stopped. The fire truck had to fill up al these buckets and carry it down the street. And had to get tons of buckets of water to throw on the fire.

T: In the church gift shop, I got two American Girl doll dresses. They were very pretty. And I got a shawl. They’re from Yia Yia as a birthday present for me. [Thank you Yia Yia!]

P: We got in the car and rode, and rode, and rode in the car. It was so much traffic!! (I’m being sarcastic because there were no cars on the road.)

T: We had a rest stop. Right before that, me and Parker said we were bored. Mom gave us fidget spinners and had a rest stop. We gave one to Zach too.

P: After the rest stop, we got back in the car and we drove for so long. 

T: It felt like a day in the car. We were going to Nellie Olesen’s “Little Cafe on the Prairie.” I ordered chicken strips and tater tots. 

P: We played Egyptian War with Zach. Taylor won and Zach won too. We had to stop the game early because our food was here. I ate a cheeseburger and sweet potato fries and one pickle. 

T: Nellie Olesen was not her real name. Her real name was Nellie Owens. Laura changed her name because she didn’t want such a bad reputation on that family.

P: Then we went to Plum Creek. We walked in the water and saw where the dugout would have been.

T: There wasn’t really a dugout, but there was a nice prairie so you could see what Laura saw. The Plum Creek was warm. We waded through it until we could wade no more. It didn’t go past our knees. There were no leeches in Plum Creek, thank God. After, we went to another Laura Ingalls Museum.

P: There was an outhouse, a jail, a store, a little house, a dugout, a kitchen, a school room, and many other things. My favorite part was the school room, the outhouse, the jail cell, the little house, the dug out and the many other things.

T: My favorite, was Zach was super funny during that time. When we were in the house, he was a school teacher. He asked questions like “what is sponge bob divided by 5?” I would say 100. He’d say A+. It was very fun and we played for hours in every exhibit. 

P: We bought a dress [for an American Girl Dolls] and a pail and some marbles in the gift shop. 

T: We came back to the hotel and had dinner at a very good place. I do recommend it. It’s called Bello Cucina. I ate alfredo pasta and chicken.

P: We went to the gas station, got bobby pins, came back to the hotel, got into our swim suits, and went to the hot tub. We started writing our blog.

Goodnight 💤