Costa Rica – Day 3

By Parker


After breakfast today, we played “Five Crowns” for three rounds. After we got bored of playing that game, we played “Oregon Trail” card game. It’s where you die and stay alive, but there are cards that say “snake bite — you die.” After we got bored of that, we went in the pool. After that, we got very bored and were asking our grandparents to play Oregon Trail with us. No one died. My name was Rambling Rose. Taylor’s name was Kasha. Mom’s name was Break Apart Girl. That’s a funny name, isn’t it? Well, anyway…

After the card game, we went in the pool again. I was still in my bathing suit, from when we last went in the pool. Then we played more card games and more and more. Until it was lunch time. Before lunch, mom and dad had gone on a walk in the beach and found Macaw feathers. I put them on my walking stick. They looked pretty.

Anyway, we had lunch then. After lunch, we played “Hanabi” — it was very fun. While mom and dad took naps we played with cute, new stuffy owl dolls. They were adorable. Then I went in the pool AGAIN.

Babe and dad got back from their hike at the beach and they had news to share. There were turtle eggs hatching and going to be released into the ocean in 20 minutes. We had to get there fast, but we didn’t know where to go, so we had to get help. We weren’t going to make it. So we went to this place and we saw monkeys in the trees. Mom said there were lots of ants so she put me on her back.


Then, we heard howler monkeys and we went to talk to a person who dad played soccer with. Her name was Rachel. I thought it was a pretty name. We saw a trail of leaf cutter ants. Then we went back to the car. On the drive back, we saw howler monkeys, and we heard them first. They made a terrible screeching sound like a backwards burp. We call them the BB monkeys.

Then we drove back and had dinner. Then we went up stairs, got ready, put our PJs on, and came downstairs to write our blog. And that’s where we are now.